Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fact or Opinion?

Today in class, we began to explore facts and opinions. Students found out that facts are things that can be proven, while opinions differ from one individual to the next and cannot be proven. We worked together to choose and topic (ice cream) and then brainstorm facts and opinions about it, coming up with some really solid work! They were even able to decipher one from the other in context during our class reading. Sakura, Rudolf, and Kohsuke should feel confident in their ability to apply this reasoning to any situation.

Students were also able to draw a strong parallel between this lesson and our discussions on our RLA Weekly Theme: Art & Music. In Content Class, the students reviewed their blog homework on abstract art and realism and they stated facts and their own opinions about the pieces that everyone chose. They engaged in a lively discussion about each piece, respecting each other's opinions and learning more about abstract art, realism, and even pop art, which Kohsuke introduced to everyone today.

Everyone did a great job today! 

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